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Construction Design & Management Regulations 2015


DGC pride ourselves in keeping up to date with current legislation and as such we believe it gives us the edge over our competitors, we consider ourselves big enough to cope with large scale notifiable projects under the CDM 2015 regulations, but small    enough to remain compliant.

CDM 2015 has fundamentally changed the management of construction works and at DGC we have already benefited from the training we embarked on in April 2015 before the regulations came fully into force.

Our senior team attended a CDM seminar facilitated by the HSE IN Carlisle. The seminar outlined the main changes in the regulations, the liabilities associated with noncompliance and the structure for enforcement.

DGC are pleased to say that out HSEQ advisors act as Principle Designers for a number of large clients and as such assist us when we are appointed Principle Contractor under the regulations.

A key change in the regulations is that of Competence, HSE are looking for more than just a Card Scheme the regulations no longer refer to Competence but refer to Skills, Knowledge, Training and Experience.


We believe that this portfolio provides sufficient evidence in the form of:-

Skills – We believe that referring to our reference’s later in this portfolio demonstrate adequate skills within the field of our expertise. 

Knowledge - Referring to the initial photographs within this portfolio we believe demonstrate the knowledge we can bring to projects. Training – Our minimum competence standards demonstrate adequate training within the area of our expertise.

Experience – The portfolio of photographs we believe demonstrate our experience in the field.

Pre-Construction Information. As a requirement under CDM 2015 it is the client’s responsibility to provide suitable and sufficient Pre Construction Information (PCI) on a number of our projects we have assisted the clients in the provision of this information. For every project we ensure we walk the job taking comprehensive notes of any potential issues we see. Whenever the need arises we have the facility to hand to undertake Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys in order to identify any issues we may not be able to see, this is complemented by the additional facility of Digital GPS mapping whenever the need arises.

This means when DGC complete a Construction phase plan for the project we are confident there will be no surprises that are likely to hold up, hinder progress or impact on the safe delivery of the project.

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